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sábado, 31 de mayo de 2008

Investigación y Gestión en Residuso s.a.

investigacion y gestión en residuos humidificación

Investigación y Gestión en Residuso sa
Comprobación mediante humo de posibles fugas en el aislamiento...asbestos amianto desamiantado limpieza
Investigación y Gestión en Residuso sa
Limpieza de restos después de una descontaminación...asbestos amianto desamiantado limpieza industrial

Overview of Asbestos Removal Procedures US 1999
This clip from the 1999 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) video, Asbestos Managing Problems, Addressing Concerns, shows good containment procedures to prevent the spread of This clip from the 1999 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) video, Asbestos Managing Problems, Addressing Concerns, shows good containment procedures to prevent the spread of the asbestos during building abatement and demolition. Over the past 20 years, with more stringent US regulations in place concerning the use of asbestos and greater awareness of the health effects of the material, many buildings with asbestos problems were abandoned by corporations and left for the government to clean up. These buildings still present a threat due to large amounts of asbestos containing materials (ACM). Tragically, asbestos building materials and other products, such as brake shoes, are still being used in the US in 2008. (más) (menos)

Introduction to Asbestos from 1959
This clip is from the 1959 film, "Asbestos: a Matter of Time," by the Bureau of Mines (US Department of the Interior.) This clip is from the 1959 film, "Asbestos: a Matter of Time," by the Bureau of Mines (US Department of the Interior.) The entire film is available on GoggleVideo. This clip describes key properties of asbestos and some of its uses in the 1950s. Inhaling asbestos dust, can cause asbestosis, lung cancer and esothelioma. Asbestos manufacturers knew of these diseases by the 1930s. Tens of thousands of (mostly) workers have been made sick and died from asbestos exposure. For more information, go to the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) website - (más) (menos)

Asbesto Removal Managing Water use
This is clipped from the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)1999 video, Asbestos Managing Problems, Addressing Concerns (the entire video is posted on GoogleVideo) This is clipped from the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)1999 video, Asbestos Managing Problems, Addressing Concerns (the entire video is posted on GoogleVideo). It shows examples of asbestos abatement jobs reusing the water necessary for removal operations to reduce the pollution from this environmental work. (más) (menos)

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